Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dog Nail Polish

Polishing your dog's nails enhances your dog's physique and gives an all around neatly groomed appearance. This may seem necessary but if you want your dog to have that extra all around spruced up look then this can be a viable solution. You might want your dog to celebrate holidays too with nice polished nails.

The most important thing to do before polishing your dog's nails are to take a blunt tipped scissor and cut away as best as you can all the hair surrounding the nails. If you leave the hair it will be to difficult to polish your dog's nails because the hair gets in the way and more polish will be on its hair than on the nails.

The next step is to clean the dog's nails if mud or other matter is on them, it's easier to polish when the dog's nails are clean. To make it easier on yourself put the dog up on a grooming table or similar table where you can easily reach its paws. This will help to keep the dog secured and not running away from you as you polish its nails.

The nail polish should last about a week or so it depends on what terrain your dog will be walking on. To have the polish last longer use a base coat over the polish and this should help it to last longer. If the dog's nails are cut make sure that no ragged edges remain use a file for dog's and smooth out any rough areas.

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